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The New Century Saxophone Quartet is a pioneering and versatile group winning new-found enthusiasm for its diverse repertory of innovative contemporary works and imaginative adaptations comprising an extraordinary range of musical styles. The only ensemble of its kind to win First Prize of the Concert Artists Guild Competition, the quartet is the recipient of grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, Chamber Music America, and the Aaron Copland Fund for Music, and in its home state from the North Carolina Arts Council. New Century has been heard in major concert venues and on radio and television throughout the Americas, Aisa and Europe; in recordings for the Channel Classics label, Alanna Records; and in unusual performance settings including two Command Performances for President Clinton at the White House, an appearance with the United States Navy Band, and a Chinese New Year broadcast seen by a television audience of over 300 million worldwide. Peter Schickelešs Concerto for Saxophone Quartet and Orchestra is among the ensemblešs numerous and widely-performed commissions and premieres, which also include works from Lenny Pickett, Bob Mintzer, Ben Johnston, David Ott, David Lang, John Fitz Rogers, Barbara Kolb, Jacob ter Veldhuis and Sherwood Shaffer to name but a few.
New Century Saxophone Quartet performs exclusively on Cannonball Saxophones and they endorse Rico Grand Concert Select Reeds.
For further information, www.newcenturysax.com
New Century Saxophone Quartet is:
Connie Frigo, baritone saxophone Chris Hemingway, alto saxophone Stephen Pollock, tenor saxophone Michael Stephenson, soprano saxophone
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