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Tony Corbiscello matured as a musician in the greater New York area. Legendary Trumpeter Pee Wee Erwin first recognized his talent. It was Pee Wee who directed Tony to study with Sonny Igoe, an alumnus of the Benny Goodman and Woody Herman Orchestras. In the late 70's and 80's, Tony's reputation as a drummer who plays "All Styles" kept him busy as a leader in one of New Jersey's top night club bands. It is his ability to play in the style's of Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich that caught the ear of Guitarist John Pizzarelli who hired Tony to play drums with the world famous Rainbow Room Orchestra. Throughout the early 90's, Tony held the drum chair for 5 years and the experience gave him a command for Swing and Latin music. He has gone on to lead bands at The Plaza, The Pierre, Tavern on the Green and the Waldorf Astoria.
In 1992, after a tour with Frank Sinatra, Tony performed at the Montreal Jazz Festival, Jacksonville Jazz Festival, Mt Hood Jazz Festival and was a featured performer with the New York Pops and The Atlanta symphony. Tony formed his own big band in the early 90's and later in 1996 began a 14 -month tenure as house orchestra at The Supper Club in New York City . Around this time, Tony played drums for CNBC's short lived " America 's Talking Network". The band has also performed at Carnegie Hall, Town Hall, Avery Fischer hall, Westbury Music Fair and headlined at the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City for the Millennium celebration.
bio from http://www.tonycorbiscellomusic.com/abouttony.html
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